Terms and Conditions


Borneo Technical (Thailand) Limited (the Company) has been the owner and operated its website (https://demo-ecom.borneothai.com) to add the channel of distribution its products and communicate with the customers.


Conditions Accepted by Member

  • Communicate with polite words, true, no harm to others, no alias, no using as advertisement, no acts against the laws or against public order, good morals of people and tradition.

  • Any copied or downloaded of content, picture, logo must be carried with good intentions, do not use or apply in a way that is illegal or do any acts that competing with the Company or discredit the Company or its products.

  • Must not combine other websites with this website without the Company’s consent or intentionally or negligence brought the virus into the system, the Company reserves its right to claim damages and expenses against such member.


Personal Information

  • Personal information of member passed on this website is considered as secret, it shall not be forwarded to other except the required by law or government order, protection the reputation or right or asset of the Company, safe the member or public.

  • Other personal information provided by member to the Company through this website is considered obtaining the consent from such other which is the liability of the member./h4>

  • Member allows the Company to use or forward personal data of the member to subsidiaries of the Company upon the purpose of businesses.


Company’s Right

  • The Company entitles to improve, modify any information at anytime.

  • The Company entitles to suspend the use or access into the website at any time without notice if the Company seems that the use of or access into the website of the member does not comply with the terms and conditions.



  • Wherever the member obtains ID and Password, it should be considered, agreed and accepted all terms and conditions of apply and the existing membership.

  • Terms & Conditions and Membership Conditions are subject to Law of Thailand.


Communication Channel

  • The communication with the Company can carry via this website or Customer Service Tel. 0-2081-4900