Membership Conditions



Unacceptable to be Member

  • Outside territory

  • Information or required documents are not proper

  • Transfer the membership’s ID and Password to other without consent

  • Other reasons under the sole discretion of the Company



  • Wherever the member obtains ID and Password, it should be considered, agreed and accepted all terms and conditions of apply and the existing membership.

  • Terms & Conditions and Membership Conditions are subject to Law of Thailand.


Benefits of Membership

  • Any privileges or benefits provided to customers or members in terms of either cash, or asset or other benefits such as discount, coupon, gift voucher, points accumulation shall be subject to the conditions of each period of promotion which the Company shall notify to customers or members through the website or other channels.

  • Any privileges or benefits have fixed the period of responding, if no response or over the due period, they shall be considered as waiver.

  • The provided privileges or benefits maybe subject to fee, expenses and withholding tax.

  • The cancellation membership either by the member or the Company shall cause to lose the outstanding benefits or gift.

  • Benefits provided to each member maybe different upon the conditions, the history of purchase and no overdue of payment.


Member’s Information

  • Member can change his/her/its information at anytime via the same channel of apply.

  • The informations provided by the member or the change are the updated information of the member